Retaining Top Talent in the Trucking Industry

When it comes to recruiting the top talent in the field of transportation, enterprises need to be intuitive and smart. The concerned department involving transportation and logistics is actually facing trucker shortage and unless quality talent gets tapped— the situation is only expected to worsen. While the American contingent is already smarting under a massive trucker shortfall, the predicament is fast spreading across the globe with a host of qualified workforce retiring, prematurely.


It is therefore important for the Gen Z enterprises to be more vigilant regarding the future of the trucking industry. As we have been able to foresee and presume the concerning trucking issues, it is only appropriate to fix them in the long run. Moreover, there are a host of problems leading to this global trucker shortfall:


  1. Most drivers keep facing constant pressure when it comes to meeting deadlines and working beyond the predefined hours.
  2. Fighting off fatigue and dealing with customer requirements are some of the lingering challenges— concerning trucker deployment.
  3. This is one extremely taxing area of work and therefore frequent burnouts after days on the road aren’t uncommon.
  4. Young drivers, below the age group of 21, find it hard to acquire a CDL license— which then hinders their willingness to continue in the same industry.


While we have already enlisted the issues related to the trucking industry, it is actually important to nip the problems in the bud by putting measures in place. Lately, there has been an inclination towards last-mile transportation as customers prefer home deliveries, more than anything else. Although this puts a bit more pressure on the concerned employees, the last-mile approach actually helps with employee engagement. Clearly, it’s all about proper work distribution when it comes to keeping the employees motivated and retaining the top talent.


Working with Millennials


As the trucking industry needs a timely revival, the focus is now on the millennials for saving the day. Most of the mentioned challenges can be dealt with if enterprises can target the millennials. As per reports, millennials are the largest working generation and getting them on-board is probably a miracle every transportation firm needs.


Employers can readily tap this fresh pool of talent for shaping up the trucking industry as millennials can be best enticed by the new skill sets, newest set of technologies and abundant chances of growth— traits which only the trucking industry can offer.


Every organization has to attract the prospective employees in order to keep the working hierarchy intact. That said, offering new skills to learn is something that goes a long way when employee satisfaction is concerned. Based on surveys, it can be inferred that most individuals commit to new professions mainly for the attractive skill sets and opportunities to adopt newer technical prowess. Then again, monotony is considered to be the most popular reason for individuals letting go of their existing jobs.


Understanding the HCM Technology


There is a specific way of dealing with stuffs when distribution and trucking are considered. While it is important to take a note of the engagement quotient, hiring principles and employee retention— the concept of human capital management is something that can help enterprises sort each one of the following.


The HCM technology isn’t a new kid on the block and has been around for quite a while now. For starters, human capital management helps companies with employee engagement and overall retention. In addition to that, the advanced concepts of HCM technology actually assist truckers by offering them with predefined schedules, shift preferences and a host of other benefits.


Apart from that, HCM technology is also useful when it comes to attracting the millennials as prospective employees. Some of the immediate advantages include:


  1. Creating decent job titles and targeting the concerned demographic
  2. Highlighting technical opportunities alongside better training and skill-building programs
  3. Promoting newer technologies with transferrable skills on-board
  4. Describing key benefits of the employee value system while addressing techniques that minimize overall stress and daily pressures.




The main aim of the transportation industry is to be the most functional part of supply chain management. In the following quest, it is desirable for the concerned enterprises to tighten the talent gap by addressing newer strategies. Moreover, it is important for the trucking industry to attract newer talents which would help them with sustainability, automation and better results.

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