The Concept of Eco-Friendly Packaging: Practices and Benefits

Industrial activities pertaining to the modern era are becoming environmentally conscious and there is an increased awareness regarding the upcoming eco-friendly trends. While increased knowledge readily paves way for environmental empathy, the significance of adding eco-friendly measures are way beyond the existing concepts of brand sustainability. Having these trends in place can readily improve the industrial credibility of a concerned organization while rendering illumination to the same.


The Purpose of Packaging Design


Before we even start discussing about the eco-friendliness of the concerned designs, it is important to analyze the purpose of the same. Labeling happens to be one vital industrial aspect— holding a lot of significance when supply chain management is concerned. Companies are now looking to put forth the exact information regarding the product without beating around the bush with unnecessary inputs. Moreover, a customer prefers when a label reveals substantial information about the product without keeping things in the dark.


For example, individuals would like if the nutritional facts and calorie count of the supplement is mentioned on the label which then allows them to take a call regarding the functionality of the same. In simpler words, the modern day marketing crusades thrive on transparency and industrial labeling is certainly the stepping stone towards the same.


Safety Quotient of the Packaging Material


Industries do have a host of corporate responsibilities to fulfill and environmental empathy is certainly one of them. It isn’t surprising to see that most companies are going eco-friendly— not just with their products but also the packaging material in picture. Moreover, customers are also wary of the social responsibilities and company whereabouts— making it imperative for the enterprises to abide by certain environmental standards.


As per conducted research, customers are more likely to purchase products from companies that boast of positive environmental and social impact. In addition to that, certain customers are also willing to give the benefit of doubt to certain organizations which still haven’t resorted to biodegradable or recyclable materials— provided they offer insights regarding proper disposal of the involved entities.


At the end, it is all about the consumer and keeping them happy is what the industry should aim at.


The Concept of Recycling


When it comes to analyzing the packaging material quality, recycling is one basic yet important criterion. Bioplastic is slowly shaping up as the newest industrial trend and companies are slowly but steadily adding the same into their packaging endeavors. While Bioplastic is one dependable material with environmental sustainability, it also helps businesses generate higher levels of credibility. Companies should always look to save the environment in the first place which then will help their businesses grow, flourish and sustain.


Going Lightweight


One of the best and most underused eco-friendly trends would be to go light with the packaging material. Most companies goof up this aspect of packaging by adding way too much into the scheme of things. Be it the product distribution or seamless transportation— having a lighter exterior helps companies with a host of supply chain metrics. Moreover, customers do not prefer when the packaging is too convoluted to look at.


Therefore, going light is yet another aspect of environmental consciousness which was previously discussed in this post.


Addressing Green Packaging


Quite recently, global entrepreneurs are seen shifting towards green packaging in quite a celebrated manner. Moreover, the trends are pretty encouraging and companies would surely see a growth in green packaging adoption by the end of 2021. This is one form of eco-friendliness that aims at sustainable packaging while segmenting the market in terms of demographics, application and even the packaging type.


The last segment or rather packaging type is further segregated into degradable packaging, reusable packaging and recyclable packaging— depending upon the materials in picture. Green packaging is a concept that’s growing fast, courtesy the involvement of environmental concerns. Apart from the societal viewpoint, there are companies which have adopted this form of packaging for keeping up with the EPR considerations. EPR or Extended Products Responsibility is something every organization needs to take a note of in order to have a market-wide impression.


Last but not the least, green packaging or rather any form of eco-friendly packaging technique offers competitive advantage to the concerned organization by readily improving the profit margin.


It is quite understandable if the initial production costs are on the higher side as biodegradable and other environmentally rewarding materials are often hard to find and even harder to make use of. However, this approach will surely pay off well in the long run with the existing market trends hinting towards a global adoption of green packaging within the next few years.




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